Facebook circle theory of suggestions and limitation – Algorithmic Idea

Facebook circle theory of suggestions and limitation - Algorithmic Idea

Hey there , Actually You may be here for reading Facebook circle theory . Yup It is quite interesting.

I have been using Facebook for many years, for no reason i got superb experience. Many of you are using it like me and many for genuine reasons. But this piece of writing is going to be interesting for you because we’re gonna thinking about Meta’s ideology and functionality , we shall derive the essence of this idea. I know many of you will be troubling in reading it but geniuses out of you will think about it. Lets dive in to Facebook circle theory;

What is Facebook who is meta?

This is not a part of concern that what is Facebook but Meta‘s identity is necessary. Meta is basically the company that is running giant social media platforms Facebook , Instagram and WhatsApp. All these are considered to be the leaders of social medias. But the reader should be familiar with Facebook because I will tell you about the Facebook circle theory of functionality. Facebook is considered as the greatest platform of this era.

I dunno exact about its daily user but they are billions in number. I can tell you the statics but my theory is based on the philosophy , psychology and algorithmic ideas. It will discuss about human behavior and attachments of emotions. Many of people use Facebook daily and therefore, I am discussing this point with those people who use their mind maximum than an ordinary.

What do you want to express by saying Algorithmic ideas?

This article is completely based on understanding ability for a user who can use Facebook properly in a day. Algorithmic idea is mathematical expressions of functionalities of machineries to solve problems and control behaviors. Facebook has these kind of strategic ideas that covers user emotions , I am just talking about Meta’s Facebook, it is relatable with other but is’t our concern now.

Facebook a giant with huge backend control system.

Zuck is current CEO of Facebook. Many of the minds are working in behind the Facebook being giant display and the greatest. with the passage of time there have been lot of changes in the strategies of Facebook its quite normal. Why is it still on the Top? Something i can not tell you but hope you will use your mini brain to solve this idea.

Facebook circle of suggestions

If you live in a region with code 42717690. Facebook will make a circle around this area , and you could only approach in this circle of reference , there are million of circles, that are covering specific area. Suppose a person with name Tomas is living in 42717690 circle of suggestions, another person who doesn’t actually know Tomas but living in same circle his name is Alfie. Robbin is friend of Thomas and he says to Tomas” bruh I’m have seen a f**kin post with cool joke on Facebook “. Tomas will think in mind that its now third time we are seeing same post. Now it depends on the post how to drive the minds of this circle users.

How could these posts affect ?

Encouraged ,discouraged or being ignored anything could be the result of user’s mind on the base of his abilities. These suggestions actually drive a society and leads in mind mind building opinions. ?It is important what Facebook is showing to a person.

Do you think its still nonsense ?

Tell me about you thoughts.

My words are arranged to be tougher text to understand with simple wordings. If you thing this post is waste it will be waste for you, it depends on your thoughts. Give me feedback about this f88k theory.

This article is written by Arfan V ~ a Philosopher | Psychologist | Scientist

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